Pre Purchase Inspection
Even if the used car looks and drives well, you should definitely get the vehicle you wish to purchase checked out before actually closing the deal.
We perform a full vehicle check: Road test for any noises or driveability problem.

Steering, suspension, and brakes are checked

Air Conditioning checked

windows and doors, tires, checked

check for any accidents

visual check for any fluid leaks

Charging system check

609 921 6134
4458 Route 27 • Kingston, New Jersey 08528

State of The Art Services

Oil Change, Tune Ups & Factory Recommended Service
Simple routine maintenance can add years to the life of your car.

We are a Continental Tire Dealer: Learn about our total Confidence Plan.

Not something to be left to chance

Pre-purchase Inspection
To insure no post purchase surprises.

Engine diagnostics
including "Check Engine Light" diagnostics